RE: Information

Jan Hardenbergh ([email protected])
Wed, 10 May 95 16:23:00 E

From: [email protected] (Frank Cabanski)

> I am involved with commercial applications on the Web, and have gotten a
> great deal of information through this list. Can anyone answer:::
> 1. What hardware/software currently allows for the creation of VRML?
> 2. What hardware/software currently allows for the delivery of VRML?
> 3. What hardware/software currently allows for the viewing of VRML?
> 4. Are there sites where VRML exists for viewing?

I've answered these as best I can in
(modulo a few things this week)

> 5. When, if not now, will options exist to create, deliver, and view VRML
> PC in Windows NT?

Basically, now. The TGS viewer should be out for public consumption in a
of days - they have given out a few alpha copies. The EMWACS server can
deliver, as can any http server. (the compression issue aside).

Creation would currently need to be via translator from 3DS, DXF, etc. I
the author of the wc2pov translator has put VRML output into a new tool
wcvt2pov, but he has not released it.
