Re: Portals vs Links

Thomas D. Citriniti ([email protected])
Fri, 05 May 1995 08:10:29 +22295807

David brings up a good point, I work from home 3 days a week and I am limited
to a 14.4 modem line so I get to see first hand the extreme differences in
network responsivness from my workstation in my office (standard ethernet with
a T3 line) to the home modem based computer. I agree that there needs to be a
standard way to represent everyone and also communicate changes, but I also
feel we need to discuss the posibility of turning off a great deal of this
functionality and how this impacts interactivity. I am looking at this from
the browser developer standpoint, I am trying to decide on what functionality
I want to include and I am getting a headache from all the possibile
problems/issues with the client/server model.

I think there needs to be a blend of the two models discussed. The possibility
of the browser initiating the connection as "Normal full interactivity" for
high speed lines or a reduced "Request for changes" mode for slower
connections. No need to cut off any one group of users.

Tom C.

======= Thomas D. Citriniti =========== | Mngr. User services for the VLSC | Engineering Applications Consultant | ITS Fax: (518) 276-2185
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., CII 3159, Troy, NY 12180-3590 (518) 276-2606