VRML Worlds Mailing List

[email protected]
Thu, 04 May 95 09:40:41 -0600

The VRML Worlds mailing list is created (and still exists) to provide a
non-driver specific and non-moderated list for discussion of MUDS and VRML.

VRML Worlds Mailing List

This list is for the discussion of VRML Worlds, using Virtual
Environment System technology, where a Virtual Environment System is
_ANY_ MUD/MOO/MUSH/M** system available. Discussion of implementations
specific to any Virtual Environment are discouraged but not restricted.

Valid topics of discussion may be (but are in no way restricted to):

* Layers (transport, etc)
* Standards
* Available Software (Clients and Servers)

Some relevant notes:

* VRML Worlds is not moderated, other than by common etiquette
* VRML Worlds is for generic discussion of VRML Worlds, and should
not center around any specific implementation on any specific
driver for any prolonged period of time.
* Where discussion should be driver/client independant, it should
also be machine and OS independant.


* To find common standards for the various layers of using VRML
within a Virtual Environment System

The key here is non-driver specific. I personally am writing an
implementation in ColdX, but I see no reason why I cannot work with somebody
doing the same in MOO, LP, MUSH, etc to share ideas and come to a common
interface so that all servers would work with the same clients. I am hopeing
that the common battlegrounds between drivers will be discarded with
discussion in this list, and some headway can be made.

To subscribe email:

[email protected]

With your mail body being:

subscribe vrml-worlds


the Cold Dark Virtual Environment: http://pippin.ece.usu.edu:1180/
   "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape
           those who dream only by night."  - Edgar Allan Poe