I regards to the portal vs. strip arguement. I agree that in order for vrml
to expand and rapidly experience growth the idea of injecting a governing
individual or group (i.e. the strip) into the equation is not appealing. On
the opposite side, the idea of walking into a room with thousands of
portals could be somewhat overwhelming. In thinking about the evolving of
links what about losing the "portal" concept (a door/hole idea), and move
over to a "link" (to steal from www). And these links should be object
driven. This might seem like a small difference linguistically but
conceptual I think it has merit.
I think that as the web has seen the rise of location such as yahoo,
vrml-space will very much have the same. The ability to make these links
any type of object, allows us to break away from the concept of a room and
look at the concept of cityscapes or other enviroments. If so, I definitely
see someone creating their own metaverse with a number of buildings (links)
to other location and maybe even a bridge to someone else's metaverse which
could be a maze of doors to other vrml-spaces, etc, ad-infitum...
We now return to your regularly scheduled program.
Todd Haedrich - [email protected]
Point of Presence Company, Seattle, Washington - [email protected]