correct mime header for MacHTTP

Jackson Sie ([email protected])
2 May 1995 10:20:41 -0500

Hi there. I've been following this MIME header debate for a little bit. If
I were attempting to add the VRML MIME header to my MacHTTP server, all I
have to do is enter the correct information in its config file. This line is
in the format of:

BINARY .JPG JPEG * image/jpeg
BINARY .JPEG JPEG * image/jpeg
BINARY .PICT PICT * image/pict

I believe that the fields are delineated as:
<type> <suffix> <file type> <creator type> <mime type>

In this case, what should I use to accommodate VRML files? Something like:

BINARY .WRL VRML * world/vrml

Jackson Sie
[email protected]