Re: MIME types

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Mon, 1 May 1995 12:42:20 -0700

> Yeah, I was thinking this too. Why not just put them in your public_html
> directory and just make links to them? If the remote user's browser has
> the mime-type set to take .wrl files and feed them to a VRML viewer
> application, then they will see the 3-space when they click on the link.
> This doesn't require any server changes.

Because the mime decoding takes place at the server. This server is
telling us the mime type is text/plain or text/html or something and we
are dutifully sending that document to the external viewer which handles
that type. The right solution is really to get the mime.types fixed on
the server...

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
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