Re: Text Proposal

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Thu, 27 Apr 1995 10:00:26 -0700

> But why have another node that is similar to the Separator, but
> slightly different? Seems a waste of parsing effort to me, and just
> makes things more complex.

But it's not like a separator except that it can have multiple children,
as does the LOD node. This node would affect the transformation of its
children. The Separator never does that.

> I get the feeling the issue here is that Inventor doesn't support
> this - is this the case?

No. Actually Inventor supports this in several ways (SoText2,
SoAnnotation), all of which are deficient. It's that experience that
leads us to want to be careful about doing the definition right in VRML.

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
Silicon Graphics, Inc.        ,`` 1$`
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