Re: Text Proposal

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Wed, 26 Apr 1995 08:02:28 -0700

> I agree with the SEPERATOR node containing the flag. The OO systems I
use have
> the notion of a follower which will orient itself to always point at the
> camera. This allows groups of objects to act as an attached banner or
> which can contain visual objects as well as text.

But again, that would be overloading the functionality of the Separator
node. It would be better to have an Annotation node which, like the
Separator, is a group node with the behavior that its children all face
the camera. As Gavin has stated, we really need to consider 3 issues when
we discuss annotation: depth buffer (do annotations appear on top of
everything?), object size (do objects stay the same size as you move
closer?), and orientation (do objects always face the camera?).

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
Silicon Graphics, Inc.        ,`` 1$`
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