purpose of the vworlds list

Kevin Goldsmith ([email protected])
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 16:22:21 -0700 (PDT)

I'd just like to clear up some confusion that seems to be happening with
the vworlds-list that I manage. It is not a technical discussion list. It
is closer to a philosophical or art-theory oriented mailing list. The
main reason I created it in the first place was because I thought that a
lot of creative discussion about the artistic possibilities of virtual
worlds was being stifled by technical people on some of the other mailing
lists I was on (including VRML). The list exists as a forum for people
to discuss the potentials of virtual worlds without worrying about
existing technical limitations.

Therefore, I do not want this list to become a sideline for VRML technical
discussions, most of the readers on this list have nothing to do with it.

I've just started an archive of messages, and I'm trying to find some of
the older ones which will give people a better idea of what has been
going on with this list.

Some of our past discussions have include theatre in virtual worlds (or
virtual worlds as theatre), virtual architecture, the role of a virtual
museum, etc...

check out the vworlds-list web page for more info:

List owner hat on

P.S. The web server is down at the moment, but should be up soon.