Re: SPEC - Text

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:24:13 -0700

> >Annotation text is fairly easy to implement at the library level, but
> >as far as I can tell wouldn't be possible in VRML unless it is provided
> >as an attribute of 3D text.
> >
> Got it. There's an inventor Text2 node which provides similar
> functionality. It always aligns the text to the screen, not the scene.
> could use the same FontStyle node for styles but interpret the size
field as
> a point size.

There are several problems with this, which is why Gavin left it out and
why I have not suggested it. In the Inventor implementation, size is in
pixels and the objects don't zbuffer. So all annotations appear the same
size regardless of depth and on top of everything else - very hard to tell
what they're annotating in a scene with any complexity at all. In alot of
cases you actually want objects to zbuffer and render in perspective but
in others you do not.

It opened a can of worms and I thought it would be better to punt for now.

I THOUGHT 3D text was an easier sell :-)

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
Silicon Graphics, Inc.        ,`` 1$`
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