Newsgroup ?

B.K. DeLong ([email protected])
Tue, 18 Apr 1995 12:34:53 -0400

It seems that comp.infosystems.www.vrml is the choice of many but I have
heard some conflicts regarding VRML including the WWW and that
comp.infosystems.www.vrml would be redundant. Their reccomendation is that
comp.infosystems.vrml would be the better choice.

Can we have a vote?

(Remember: When it comes time to create the group, we need a certain number
of votes to get it instituted. I will let the group know when and where to

B.K. DeLong                   Home: (413) 546-4401
203 Dickinson                 Work: (413) 546-4401
UMass Amherst                 FSUCC Student Representative
Amherst, Ma. 01003            Member, UMass WWWWG

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