(Fwd) Re: Newsgroup

Neil Strauss ([email protected])
Tue, 18 Apr 1995 10:50:38 -0400

I agree completely with comp.infosystems.www.vrml. I've been lurking on this
list for a few days now, because better support for various kinds of graphical
objects would be very useful in delivering www based applications to my users
(traders, salespeople) in a large investment bank.

--- Forwarded mail from [email protected] (Carl R. Gilbert)

Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 10:01:22 -0400
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Carl R. Gilbert)
Subject: Re: Newsgroup

I whole-heartedly agree with Mark Pesce's previous post pushing
for comp.infosystems.www.vrml. His points emphasize how the
comp.graphics portion of vrml is just a small element of the big
picture. Putting vrml in comp.graphics would be like putting word
processors in a spell-checker category. There are many other features
that would provide equal motivation for other groups, including
audio, which has been a hot topic lately. Therefore, it has as much
right to be in an audio group as a graphics group. However, audio
has nothing to to with graphics, and graphics has nothing to do with
audio. But, they are both part of the vrml big picture.

Did that make any sense? Maybe time for more coffee. Anyways,
my vote is for comp.infosystems.www.vrml.

[email protected]
no sig - too pissed after paying taxes to think of one

---End of forwarded mail from [email protected] (Carl R. Gilbert)