Re: SPEC - Description field in WWWAnchor

Chris Marrin ([email protected])
Mon, 17 Apr 1995 23:46:25 -0700

> One thing to keep in mind though. If the URL points to an item in an
> info system, chances are that the info system will be able to provide
> an abstract for the given item (and if one is available).
> if this is the case, what should be shown to the user? the description
> provided by VRML or the abstract of the item? Seems to be that the
> person who put the item up on the net to begin with has a better idea
> of what the abstract should be than I. Would the description in the
> above case be ignored in favor of the already existing abstract?

That could easily be browser specific. In WebSpace I can imagine us
displaying it when you locate highlight the Anchor object, instead of
showing the URL like we do today. This would be a nice, friendly thing to
display before fetching the URL.

chris marrin                     ,,.                        
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