Re: VRML 2.0 and Behaviours

Mark Waks ([email protected])
Mon, 17 Apr 95 15:41:51 EDT

I'm trying to understand Don's proposed behaviour model, but I'm having
a rocky time of it. Don, could you maybe describe it in some more
concrete fashion -- roughly what you expect each layer's interactions
to be like? I'm interpreting the description as having an "Engine"
layer which is essentially an API, being driven by "Behaviour
generators" which are doing the real work (which comes off as more
or less similar to the Geomview approach), but I'm not sure that I'm
grasping it right. Can you provide a clearer example?

(Bear in mind that the term "Engine" is a heavily loaded one; if you
don't mean exactly the same thing that SGI does by it, you might want
to pick a term with fewer connotations...)

-- Justin

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