Re: Browser for the starving masses?

Anthony Parisi ([email protected])
Fri, 14 Apr 1995 12:54:39 -0400

>Some time ago I posted an inquiry looking for a Windows NT based browser
>and a 3DS to VRML converter. Mark took the time to answer me himself, for
>which I am grateful. However, I couldn't find the browser he referred to
>on TGS' Web page. Apparently a number of you are also having a similar
>I know I speak for a large portion of the PC community on this list when I
>say we're starving out here. The InterVista press release was glorious,
>but exactly _when_ is "later this month". Is the TGS software still out
>there somewhere, perhaps at a different site?

Later this month means the end of April. As in the 30th. We've still got
some work to do before we will release WorldView.

An industry has sprung up out of nowhere: SGI and TGS were able to punch
something out quickly because they had the technology base and resources to
do it; we knew this might happen when we decided to adapt/adopt Inventor.
Other tools will follow soon, I assure you.

You think you're hungry? Ask the content developers how they're feeling!
They want to model worlds, and they can't do it easily without an SGI!

Hang on a little longer...

Intervista Software
Internet Visualization
415 648-2749
Tony Parisi
President [email protected]
