Really, any difficulty with this should be on the browsers
side. All VRML needs to do is specify whats playing, how loud
(Affected disance?) and in what direction the sound is
emanating from the object.
If the browser wanted to get REALLY technical, then it could
put the environmental physics into it's sound_volume_level
eguation. If there is a brezze from the north (or a
hurricane..) and the radio is to the east, chances are you
won't hear much.. (Of course a hurricane would most likely
knock the radio over.. And the hurricane could cause a problem
with the radio's reception of the VRBC (Virtual Radio
Broadcasting Corp.)... ok.. forget about the VRBC for now <G>).
Well, I'd love to hear others views on Inline sound.. (And
hurricanes too! Maybe Fractal Huricane Algo?? You might be able
to tell I live in Florida.. and enjoy Hurricanes)