TGS driving VRML 2.0?

James Waldrop ([email protected])
Thu, 13 Apr 1995 18:04:02 PDT

So I was at Internet World doing the tradeshow thing, and saw some
interesting stuff at the SGI/TGS demos.

1) They were demoing Inventor files. Windmills were turning,
for instance.

2) Inline video was discussed as a feature that would be supported.

3) Most interestingly, inline VRML was supported. The way this worked
was to load VRML files on the fly based on proximity, and just do
the WWWInline thing with http://...wrl.

4) Their authoring tool could write both iv and vrml. Their browser
will understand both iv and vrml.

TGS is driving the 2.0 standard along willy nilly. What's up with that?


James Waldrop (JLW3) \ [email protected] / Ubique, Inc.
Systems Administrator \ [email protected] / 657 Mission #601 \ 415.896.2434 / San Francisco, CA