Gavin Bell of SGI had a bunch of good things to say. Chris Hall of
NetPower had an excellent demo. Tamara Munzner, Len Wanger, Dave
Nadeau, Rikk Carey, Kevin Goldsmith and a bunch of other folks all
contributed to the discussion. I urged folks there to post their own
questions and answers from the group discussion to this list.
I apologize if anyone was tuned in to MBone to watch/listen. The demo
room wasn't set up to multicast a group of that size. The number of
people in the room falls somewhere between how many would come for free beer
or for free money... Clearly there is a LOT of enthusiasm and curiosity!
I recommend that preparations be made at future VRML meetings (SIGGRAPH etc.)
to have MBone support so folks elsewhere can listen & interact.
Much of the discussion was about behaviors and network issues. There
are a lot of issues to be explored. I for one will be glad when
people on this list can try various browsers on various sites. Much of
the vagueness in our dialogue will disappear & we will be able to look
past 1.0 towards 2.0 in a coherent way.
all the best, Don
-- Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code UW/Br work 408.656.2149 Monterey California 93943-5000 USA fax 408.656.3679 AUV Underwater Virtual World