SPEC - The Home Stretch

Anthony Parisi ([email protected])
Fri, 07 Apr 1995 09:36:16 -0400

List Members,


1. The Daarmstadt conference is upon us
2. Mark Pesce will be giving a VRML keynote at developer day
3. Various companies are starting to spew out browser technology and tools
to ship in May

I say it's time we wrapped up open issues for version 1.0. Mark, Gavin Bell
and I got together last week to identify those open issues, and I have been
duly deputized to bring them to closure. We have modest proposals for
solutions to some of the open issues; others still seem a little cloudy.
Over the next few days I will be making postings on this subject. Look for
the message header "SPEC."

Here's what we have identified:

1) Text
3) Compression
4) Extensibility

We'd like to have all the feedback in the next week. Gavin and I want to
post the FINAL version 1.0 spec by the end of April. Timing seems good,
given the commercial announcements being made.


Intervista Software
Internet Visualization
415 648-2749
Tony Parisi
President [email protected]
