Re: VRML - The next step?

Glenn Crocker ([email protected])
Wed, 5 Apr 1995 09:54:40 -0700 (PDT)

Maddog's Studio wrote:
>Also pay attention to the license. Dworkin doesn't stop commerical
>use, but he puts a hefty fee on his server.

$100/month for commercial use isn't "hefty" where I come from.

>The only mud that has a clear and unrestricted license for both
>server and database is ogham. Cool has a GPL; all the rest have
>some problems as far as copyright/licensing.

"only"? That's a mighty hard word.

>My hope is that any vrml-mud that may be built also have a license
>that is unrestrictive. The Xerox license on the LambdaMOO server
>is an good example of what's needed.

