VRML at E.Cafe LA

Jerry Isdale ([email protected])
Thu, 23 Mar 1995 23:14:52 -0800

I just got back from a Wonderful presentation by Marc Pesce (and Owen and
..) at the Electronic Cafe in Santa Monica. Marc is a terrific speaker and
gave a great talk on the history of the world and where VRML is going to
take it.

Marc talked for maybe 40 minutes, took questions and, oh yeah, did a demo
of a VRML viewer running on a notebook PC. It was a semi-live demo. We had
some problems with the net connection going down, but he had already
downloaded the VRML page to the box (approx 2min xfer for 200K file). The
demo was Daniel's Room and was linked to the Holocaust (sp) museum web
pages for some text document links. The VRML thing fired up Mosaic and
properly retrieved the text page. A very nice demo.

The event was netcast on a CUSeeMe link just to keep things interesting.
No ISDN videophones this time (E.Cafe does lots of those things - Dr. Tim
will be there this week Sat doing a link to Europe and Canada)

Great talk, Marc! I do hope that VRML Equinox text makes it onto the net

Jerry Isdale
System Engineer
Illusion, Inc.
2660 Townsgate Rd., Suite 530
Westlake Village, CA 91361

Phone: (805) 371-4530 FAX: (805) 371-4533
Internet: [email protected]