Re: LANG: Text in VRML

[email protected],
Tue, 21 Mar 95 09:52:46 -0600

Amen... right on target.

> Get this: Everything that we do eventually has to have a purpose, or it's
> worthless. 3D is going to be a big part of our lives, sooner or later.
> Sooner, if we are allowed to free associate and invent, rather than make
> revservations, and limitations. I see Doom at one end of a scale. It's the
> base line. What a CAD/CAM vendor will produce is at the other end. In the
> middle is a Bell curve, around the peak of which are all the products
> about to be invented and marketed. Go too high on the curve, and your
> limited market won't allow you to make enough money to cover costs. Go too
> low, and you're one-upped. Stay in the middle, and you sell good products
> to large numbers of people, whose buying patterns then suggest other
> advances. It's a process. Look past Doom, to the next step. Think! Don't
> throw wet blankets.
> It's about time 3D came out of the lab. Doom is that first big step. Give
> it credit for sparking the minds of all those little game crazy
> teenagers, some of whom will some day join our ranks as top notch
> computer scientists and engineers, building what THEY envision.

David J. Cheney Electronic Commerce Services
(512) 838-8017 (T/L 678) IBM Networked Application Services 11400 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758