Re: vrml test

[email protected]
Sun, 29 Jan 95 10:53:51 gmt

> Would someone with a working VRML viewer please check
> the chemical reference that I've added to the VRML
> section of the VRML section of the generic viewer test page:
> The VRML molecule is near the bottom of the page,
> just search for "molecule" and then click on it.
> It uses the "WWWanchor" function which I can't test yet.

The actual wrl file for this DNA molcule resides at:

The OpenInventor version viewable with ivview is at:

The only difference between the two files is the header and
WWWanchor. Thus a proper VRML viewer should be able to
read the wrl.

Please email me with any comments regarding these files.
I created them to illustrate the extent with which molecules
can be modelled with the proposed VRML 1.0.

I am working on a VRML subset appropriate to molecules.
Sample files with subset will be available shortly.


Omer Casher                             [email protected]
c/o Departmant of Chemistry             Or +44 171-589-5111 (ex 55779 or 55843)
Imperial College, London, SW7 2AZ