>it should be easily
>subsettable so we can kick off quickly; it should be straightforward
>to extend. And there are some things that aren't requirements, but
>plusses: a simple, easy-to-parse syntax, and existing tools...)
It should also be easily subsettable and extendable becauses there are lots
of things that probably should be part of the standard, but are unfeasible
right now because of bandwidth. Rather than ignore them, just leave a few
stubs in the syntax, that can be filled in when people feel the need.
Pesonally I think that the immediate next step after a standard is
available is to make available some portable code to aid implementations.
Yacc grammars, maybe? Maybe a parser that calls a minimal set of graphics
calls, so that implementors need only to provide fill in a set of graphics
functions, implement a few standard browser calls in UI of choice, and
Anyway, I'm getting ahead of things here.
I'll just briefly introduce myself. My name is David Cake, I am a
computer science/ cognitive science postgrad, though not in an area that
has anything to do with any of this. Hello all, and welcome.
> -- Justin
David Cake