Survey: Are you using libwww?

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen ([email protected])
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 18:08:40 -0400

Hi all,

I am doing a little "user research" on libwww and I need your help in order to
get the results. The main question is how many is actually using the Library
and for what purpose. Therefore I would appreciate if you would please take a
moment to answer the questions below. I am also interested if you are _not_
using it and/or if so why.

The purpose of the survey is to find out how we can improve libwww and adjust
it to fit your needs. Please note that none of the replies to the questions
will be used for other than anonymous statistical purposes. We will feel free
to make a list of companies using libwww but this list will not be bound to
the questions.

Please send the reply including the part below the "CLIP line".

Thank you very much for your help!


Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, <[email protected]> World-Wide Web Consortium, MIT/LCS NE43-356 545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, USA

0 \ / -- CLIP -- CLIP -- CLIP -- x -- CLIP -- CLIP -- CLIP -- CLIP -- CLIP -- CLIP -- / \ 0

Company Name :


1) Are you actively using libwww (please indicate version) : ?

2) If yes in 1) for what purpose(s) :

A) As part of a commercial product :

B) As part of a research development :

C) As part of internal Web tools :

D) Other :

3) Main reason for (not) using it :

4) Give main feature(s) you like :

5) Give main feature(s) you hate :

6) Optional comments :