htimage bug?

JEFFREY KUNCE ([email protected])
Tue, 29 Aug 1995 10:51:50 -0500

I am using the htimage pre-compiled binary for
RS6000, and it's throwing spurious results for
certain polygons. For example, when I define the

poly (270,207) (266,207) (266,211) (265,211)
(259,212) (259,209) (254,210) (254,197) (257,197)
(257,181) (270,181) (270,207)

htimage considers any point from (1,207) to
(270,207) "in" the polygon. (As well as the points
actually within the polygon).

I've tried reversing the polygon, rotating the
points, removing the duplicate endpoint - result is
still the same.

This polygon works fine when tested in mapedit.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Jeffrey J. Kunce
Missouri Department of Conservation
[email protected]
Compuserve 76030,550
voice +1 314 751 4115 ext 364
fax +1 314 751 8757