Original Session-ID thread requested

Chris Brown ([email protected])
Tue, 30 May 1995 06:58:25 +0500


I have accidentally deleted the original Session-ID post and accompanying
replies & comments. I am about to implement a server & client using a
Session-ID mechanism (akin to the original post) and would like to re-read
these messages.

If anyone still has them, I would really appreciate a copy. I will announce
my implementation to the list when it is ready (it will be built on Apache &

Cheers, Chris

**Postgraduate Research Student in Collaborative Virtual Environments**
/----------------------------------\ /--------------------------------\
| Chris Brown                       | Work Tel:  +44 (0)115 951 4226  |
| Communications Research Group     |      Fax:   "     "    "  4254  |
| Department of Computer Science    | Home Tel:   "     "    "  5387  |
| University Park                   |      Fax:   "     "    "  5355  |
| Nottingham NG7 2RD, ENGLAND       |    Email:   [email protected]   |
\----------------------------------/ \--------------------------------/