RE: revised proposal for file upload from browser to server

Fisher Mark ([email protected])
Wed, 02 Nov 94 06:44:00 PST

Just for the record, in the neolithic environment of DOS/Windows, there is
no guarantee that a helper application can function as a separate process
that takes over the TCP/IP socket to the Web server. Some Windows TCP/IP
versions that conform to the WinSock API may allow it, but it is not
required by the spec. The best that can be done is to write the helper as a
DLL (dynamically-linked library, similar to a UNIX shared library).

This is overcome in Windows NT, as a socket is just a special kind of file
descriptor. Does anyone have enough Windows95 experience to comment on its
Mark Fisher Thomson Consumer Electronics
[email protected] Indianapolis, IN

"Just as you should not underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon
traveling 65 mph filled with 8mm tapes, you should not overestimate
the bandwidth of FTP by mail."