Re: HTML Validation Form [Was: Nesting of HTML elements ]

Rob McCool ([email protected])
Sun, 30 Oct 94 14:54:00 -0800

* "Re: HTML Validation Form [Was: Nesting of HTML elements ]" by Rick Troth
* written Sun, 30 Oct 1994 22:40:23 +0100
** PS Dan, why do you always say %7E where other folks use ~ is this
** something else we are all doing wrong?
* He just wants attention.

Heh. Actually, everyone is doing something wrong, and it's all my
fault. When I added user public information directories to NCSA httpd,
I used /~ as the magic prefix. But ~ is a character which, according
to the URL spec, is not supposed to appear in URLs unless % escaped. I
didn't realize this until either Dan or Marc V. pointed it out to me
some weeks later.
