Re: Suggestion: URL string-search syntax

Willem Scholten ([email protected])
Sun, 29 May 1994 10:40:13 -0400 (EDT)

I thougt that is why there was an initial discussion of besides a
URL, URN of a URF, for Universial Resource Fragment.

We have internally even floated the idea of extending it with one more a
URB for a universial citation identifier. Not very much after that we
will need an URI - Universial Idenditifier for Intellectual Property
clearance, pointing to a master holder of IP-rights...

The URL,URI,URF,URN etc discussion is becoming extremely critical in my
opinion, and its time there is some movement through IETF or other channels..


On Sun, 29 May 1994, Gavin Nicol wrote:

> >Also, what about the Nth occurance instead of the first?
> >Given that you're considering texts of which you are not the author,
> >this might be a really handy addition, eh?
> There is another problem too. SGML is inherently structured, and
> current URL's offer no standard sub-document naming method, nor
> support for TOC's etc. I have a short SGML document describing a
> scheme that overcomes the problems (in the short term at least). If
> anyone is interested, let me know. If sufficinet interest is shown,
> I'll post it to the list. The basic idea is simply to do this:
> http://book/chapter=2/section=1/para=5
> but there are other ideas in the paper as well (like named TOC's etc.)
> nick