Re: multithreaded libwww

[email protected]
Fri, 13 May 94 07:46:19 -0400

>Garrett Arch Blythe <[email protected]>:
>> By multi-threaded, I take it you mean having multiple documents
>> you can pull up and take them in the direction that you want independent
>> of the other loaded documents.
>Specifically, I'm looking forward to the WWW library being able to handle
>multiple independent time/cpu-sliced HTTP operations. This way, a browser
>doesn't have to halt all user interactions (save the HTTP interupt) until
>after all HTTP operation is completed or interrupted.
>With threading, for example, you would be able to read/scroll/following-links
>in a page-screen, while another screen is busy doing HTTP "in the background".

Don't forget, this may also require a multi-threaded Xt and Motif library
to get everything right. Yes R6 has the beginnings of threaded-ness but
I don't think Xm does.

Paul Leclerc            NEC Systems Laboratory          Voice:  609-734-6147
[email protected]      4 Independence Way              FAX:    609-734-6002
                        Princeton, NJ  08540