The CERN http (2.16) supports access control configurable by domain and/or
user name and password. If a domain mask is specified then there is no
prompt for a passord - if a list of users is specified then a user name and
password are required. Taking an example from the CERN doc:
authors: john, james
cern_people: @128.141.*.*
the first line is user based access, the second domain mask based.
I would like to run CGI script which must for various reasons be run setuid -
hence requiring the browser to provide an username and password. However,
the list of users that are to be permitted to use the script is vast. To
maintain a list of all of the valid users in the .group file is impractical.
Much simpler would be in some way to specify all users from a particular domain.
_However_, there does not seem to be a valid way of doing this. Neither
(*)@134.32.*.* or *@124.32.*.* seems to be valid group declaration.
So, the basic question is, (using the CERN httpd), how do you get the browser
to supply a username and password without supplying a group definition which
specifies user names?
Any suggestions? With thanks,
Steve Heaney
Schlumberger Geco-Prakla
[email protected]