Re: Problem with "~user/file.html"

Paul Phillips ([email protected])
Wed, 16 Feb 1994 18:26:27 --100

Or, execute a script that runs the finger, replaces the newlines with <br>,
and return the output in HTML. Not only does this look nicer, but you
can put anchors and images in your .plan and have them come up. :-)

| Paul Phillips | EMAIL: [email protected] |
| InterNIC Information Services | WWW: |
| Reference Desk Staff | PHONE: 619-455-4626 FAX: 619-455-4640 |

On Wed, 16 Feb 1994, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

> > Hmm.... how does one specify that the data coming back from the finger
> > request is to be interpreted as HTML?
> Oh dear. You certainly can't do that. The finger protocol is
> that you send a user name and you get back plain text. If you
> return anything else, you are breaking finger. You can't do
> that to existing protocols. You will have complaints from
> finger client users.
> Of course, you could define an enhanced "htfinger" protocol, which had a
> header on the response to say what the data type was coming back,
> or a "gofinger" protocol which had a letter prepended to the
> username to say what data type one should expect... :-)))