Follow-up: Wais and NCSA httpd 1.1

Tim Evans ([email protected])
Mon, 31 Jan 1994 16:53:55 -0500 (EST)

Earlier today, I posted to this list a message asking about my
Wais hyperlinks failing since I had installed NCSA httpd 1.1.

I have resolved this problem, and wanted to share the details with
the list.

To begin with, it turns out that the problem was limited *only* to
Solaris 2.3 Web browsers (specifically, NCSA Mosaic 2.1 and lynx
2.1.1) built with the freeWAIS 0.202 libraries. All my other
systems--Suns running SunOS 4.1.3, RS/6000's running AIX 3.2.5,
and SGI's running IRIX 4.0.5--did not encounter these problems.

Since this was a Solaris-2.3-specific problem, I have rebuilt the
freeWAIS distribution, then rebuilt NCSA Mosaic 2.1. This resolved
the problem. I would presume, although I haven't rebuilt it, that
the problem will go away when I re-do lynx as well.

Tim Evans                     |    E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
[email protected]  |    Experimental Station
(302) 695-9353/8638 (FAX)     |    P.O. Box 80357
EVANSTK AT A1 AT ESVAX        |    Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0357