Re: Additions to the CGI archive

Guenther Fischer ([email protected])
Thu, 6 Jan 1994 13:58:16 +0100 (MET)

> Would the inclusion of images in the client significantly increase the size
> of the executable? There have already been several comments in my office

The images could be in a library path .../lib/Mosaic/icons and loaded as
On the server side too - for clients who don't have this feature.
This should only a small set of icons like lines, bitmaps for
directories, files, some pointers, ...

> over the large size of the PC Mosaic. It seems wiser to include stock images
> in server distribution -- perhaps a set of images that the various server
> developers might informally agree on. Then with the arrival of URN's, each
> image would be transferred once and cached by the client for the extent of
> the session regardless of type or number of servers visited.
> (assuming I understand URN's properly.)

When will URNs come up? I think we have to wait for it some times ...


Name:      Guenther Fischer
Institute: TU Chemnitz, Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Phone:     0371 668 361
mail:      [email protected]
URL: <A HREF=""> me </A>