Re: Additions to the CGI archive

Martijn Koster ([email protected])
Tue, 21 Dec 1993 10:29:41 +0000

> An INCREDIBLE forms-based archie gateway has been written...

Very nice indeed...

I incorporated its icons and extra functionality into ArchiePlex,
but it made me wonder about two things:

- Did the discussion on built-in IMG's result into anything
for HTML+ ? If not, can we advance the discussion?
Altough the 'internal-gopher-binary works' fine for
Mosaic, I already find lots of problems in the logs, where
people are trying to retrieve these images from my server.
Of course I can special-case for Mosaic, but I would be more
comfortable with a general solution.

- Can a DT in a DL have multiple DD's? Mosaic copes nicely,
but HTML+ talsk about <B>pairs</B>...

-- Martijn
Internet: [email protected]
X-400: C=GB; A= ; P=Nexor; O=Nexor; S=koster; I=M
X-500: c=GB@o=NEXOR Ltd@cn=Martijn Koster