Re: International Document Server Support

Tony Sanders ([email protected])
Mon, 06 Dec 1993 15:10:09 -0600

> > Well, you wouldn't use "language/english" but pretty close. What you
> > do is pass this information along with the Accept: headers, e.g.:
> > Accept: plain/text,language="ISO3316",charset="..."
> So, English is now officially called "ISO3316"? Sort of loses some
> of the flavor.. 8-)
He he! Just to clarify ISO3316 is 'language codes' and ISO639 is 'country
codes'. What you end up with is something like en_US or en_UK. Un*x
based software could use $LANG to choose a default since at least one
vendor is using it for this purpose.
still says ISOXXX under Accept-Language. I think that's where it was,
can't reach the server to verify, darn it.

TimBL should make a ruling on this so we can all head in one direction:
Someone else pointed out Accept-Language: but I think this is the wrong
approch. I think this information should be in the Accept: header along
with the other client profile information. I can see the arguments for
special casing headers for some client profile but I would opt to be
consistent. I'll be happy either way, I just want us to make an informed
