Re: RFC: Multi-Owner Maintenance robot (MOMspider)

Dave_Raggett ([email protected])
Mon, 6 Dec 93 15:40:56 GMT

> & BASE? & OWNER? & EXPIRES? )>
> <!ELEMENT OWNER - - CDATA -- Alias name for document owner -->
> <!ELEMENT EXPIRES - - CDATA -- Expiration date in RFC850 format -->

Your suggestion for a multi-owner maintenance robot (MOMspider) seems
a good one, and I like the idea for making the owner and expiry date
part of the document HEAD. I never did like the <LINK REL="MADE" HREF=...">
notation. Perhaps we ought to stipulate the OWNER should be an email address?

When viewing a document with markup errors, or broken links, who should
the reader mail - the author or the admin staff, e.g. www-admin@host?
The author may want responsibility, or the document may have been produced
automatically. Perhaps we should use an additional attribute, what do you

I will be happy to include this in the revised HTML+ spec - so long
as there isn't vociferous feelings against the idea on the net.

Dave Raggett