xmosaic 2, prerelease 4

Ron D. Appel ([email protected])
Mon, 4 Oct 1993 12:17:16 +0100

With xmosaic 2, prerelease 4, I cannot get the following document:


It seems not to recognize that it's an image and displays the following:


Can anyone tell me why?


| Ron D. Appel | Tel.: (+41 22) 372 6264 |
| Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve | Fax.: (+41 22) 372 6198 |
| Centre d'Informatique Hospitaliere | e-mail: [email protected] |
| 24, rue Micheli-du-Crest | (S=appel;OU=cih;O=hcuge; |
| CH-1211 Geneve 14 | P=switch;A=arcom;C=ch) |
| Switzerland | |