Re: Submitting input-form data to server

Pei Y. Wei ([email protected])
Sun, 5 Sep 93 18:49:23 -0700

> Henning G. Schulzrinne writes:
> > It would be extremely nice if a set of predefined common attributes
> > could be defined so that you don't have to fill in your name, email
> > address, phone etc. by hand in every single form that comes along.
> > The client would recognize the attributes and supply default values
> > from some local configuration file.
> Somebody want to write a pseudo-spec? Sounds interesting...

Definitely worthwhile. Now, a question is, should we add another
attribute into the INPUT element to specify the local default-variable?
Or do we overload the "name" attribute to be both the INPUT identifier
*and* the default variable identifier?

It seems safer if we keep the default-variable identifiers in their own
name space... So, I'd suggest that another attribute (say, "localvar")
be added into the INPUT element. (more HTML+ tweaking!)

This way, you'd say ``<INPUT name="org" localvar="ORGANIZATION">'',
and the local default value the environment variable "ORGANIZATION".

-Pei Pei Y. Wei
Digital Media Group
O'Reilly & Associates