I am having an argument with someone telling me that everything I am doing
with WWW, I can also do with WAIS. Can anybody summarize the advantages
of WWW vs. WAIS, especially in regard to multiple databases and 2D image
retrieval, or point me to some existing paper describing this?
| Ron D. Appel | Tel.: (+41 22) 372 6264 |
| Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve | Fax.: (+41 22) 372 6198 |
| Centre d'Informatique Hospitaliere | e-mail: [email protected] |
| 24, rue Micheli-du-Crest | (S=appel;OU=cih;O=hcuge; |
| CH-1211 Geneve 14 | P=switch;A=arcom;C=ch) |
| Switzerland | |