Hi Tim,
I have uploaded the latest copy of my DTD for HTML+ into
[tbl moved it into:]
The new DTD reflects recent discussions:
o One tag for all inline emphasis
o FIG tag similar to Pei's (but no TYPE attribute)
o EMBED tag for foreign data (simple equations etc.)
o DL lists extended for tables with optional hints
o INPUT and SELECT form interaction elements
I don't know how in SGML to specify a tag which may or may not
have an endtag depending on its attribute values. Because of
this I have used two tags for images:
[I think (hope?) that this it is impossible to change
the EMPTY charactistic of an element as a function of the
attributes. Would severly complicate parsing -Tim]
a) <FIG> ...</FIG> for captioned images
b) <ICON> for small inline graphics without captions
Dave Raggett