The Info files are the GNU equivalent of man pages and they
are complete formatted documents that contain references.
The problem I've run into is that HTML does not offer a mode in
which all formatting is preserved *and* tags are recognised.
The LISTING mode does preserve the formatting but does not see the
hypertext references; the NORMAL mode does recognise the references
but destroys the formatting (indentation, line breaks).
Switching from LISTING to NORMAL mode (and back) in the middle of
a paragraph is not feasible either because that will cause a blank line
to be inserted at that point.
It would be handy to have a mode that does preserve formatting and
recognizes SGML tags since there are no doubt other hypertext formats
that could be converted to HTML this way.
Thoughts anyone ?
Eelco van Asperen. || Erasmus University Rotterdam
internet: [email protected] || Department of Computer Science, room H4-32
New, Improved, a disclaimer: || PObox 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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