
Joseph Wang ([email protected])
Sat, 25 Jul 92 12:02:21 EDT

I've uploaded a very preliminary interface to World Wide Web using the
tk toolkit to and the tcl archive in

tkWWW Version 0.1 alpha ([email protected])

This a first pass at a browser for World Wide Web using the tk
library. It is very buggy. Use at your own risk.

The Tk browser has the following advantages.

1. Since the entire user interface is written in an interpreted
language, it should be very easy to make modifications and extensions
to the system.

2. More important, it is possible to imbed Tk code into hypertext
documents. To see an example of this, load in the hypertext file

In order to install tkWWW you will need

The code for the WWW line-mode browser. (anon ftp from
Libraries for tk and tcl (I'm using tk2.1 and tcl6.3)

A wish intepreter which contains the Hyper and XYGraph widgets

To install this program, unpack the WWW line-mode browser source and
cd to the directory WWW. Unpack this tar file.