Border Styles

Benjamin C. W. Sittler ([email protected])
Fri, 7 Jul 1995 15:54:14 -0600

I'd like to propose a set of stylesheet properties for CSS: border.*
This would be used to put outlines around paragraphs, titles, hyperlinks,
etc., and would also be useful for tables. = none | single | double | 3d
border.size = narrow | medium | wide | <spacial>
border.color = <color>


Document Title

Headline Here

Cautionary note... lots of legal information you must read before running your new screen saver.

Paragraph of text here...

Plain note... Possible (crude) Rendering: +---------------+ | Headline Here | +---------------+ ############################################ # ######################################## # # # Cautionary note... lots of # # # # [CAUTION] legal information you must # # # # read before running your # # # # new screen saver. # # # ######################################## # ############################################ Paragraph of text here... ############################ # [NOTE] Plain note... # ############################ Any comments?