Re: HTML 3.0 suggestion

Joe English ([email protected])
Wed, 27 Sep 1995 08:51:10 -0700

[email protected] (Carl Benker) wrote:

> How about making list items "containerized"?
> <LI></LI>
> The addition of the </LI> tag will give a definite end to list items.

The LI element already is a container, and you can
include the </LI> end-tag if you like; it's just
optional, since the parser can always tell where an
LI element ends.

The DTD has:

<!ELEMENT LI - O %flow>
1 2 3

This means that the start-tag is required (1),
the end-tag is optional (2), and the element
can contain text and block-level elements (3);
(The %flow; parameter entity expands into
"(#PCDATA | A | IMG | BR | ... | P | UL | OL | DL | ...)*")

Compare this with the declaration for IMG,
which is not a container:

1 2 3

The "EMPTY" keyword means that IMG has no content.

--Joe English

[email protected]