Re: your mail

Lisajoy ([email protected])
Sat, 3 Jun 1995 19:25:08 +0500

On Sat, 3 Jun 1995, Steve Fylypchuk wrote:

> Could someone guide me in the direction of the necessary script/s to create
> a counting feature
> in a page. I am using a cern server.
> I would like to display the hits of a page on that page.
> Thanks

Steve..... I am also running a Cern server and was out looking for a
counter program. I think I've found a good one, but I'm still working on
it, well at least its config. Maybe someone else could recommend a good
one to you in the mean time. This one I'm trying to use seems very
make-shift. Good luck!

Lisajoy J. Germinario ** Voice: 908.527.2729
Kean College of New Jersey ** Fax: 908.527.0391
1000 Morris Avenue ** Email: [email protected]
Union, New Jersey 07083 ** WWW: