Dave Raggett said:
> > Is there some way to have a figure that crosses multiple lines and has text
> > flowing around it, but is positioned at the point of the <FIG> tag in the
> > text? I would have thought that this would be the definition of justify
> > instead of stretching the figure.
> Can you clarify what you want?
> FIG is a peer of <P> and <UL> etc. and as such terminates a preceding
> paragraph. If you want to start an image in the middle of the paragraph
> and have the rest of the paragraph flow around it you should use IMG
> with ALIGN = left or right, as per Netscape.
> > It seems that a multi-line figure with text flowing around it can only be at
> > the left or right. Why can't multi-line figures be placed as they are
> > encountered? This is the way Windows help works for example.
> This doesn't seem very natural when a text line continues up to an image
> as a single line while the remaining text after the image then piles up
> next to as several lines ...