(no subject)

[email protected]
Wed, 26 Apr 95 20:04:34 PDT

> What would be useful for html3 would be to write something like:
> <Address>
> <A HREF="MailTo:[email protected]" Print=Yes>
> Lantz Rowland</A>
> </Address>
> Which if printed would print as:
> Lantz Rowland <[email protected]>
> - or -
> Lantz Rowland <MailTo:[email protected]>

Sounds like what you really need is better printing software. I get
printed versions of my HTML documents pretty much exactly like the
second form, without need for a PRINT attribute on any HTML tags.

I'd suggest that browsers with a print requester add "Print URL's"
(similar things might be considered if you're saving to a file) as a
checkbox item; those without might want to add it as a preferences
option. Of course, doing intelligent things with relative URL's or
URL's in the same document might require some thought, but it can be
made to work.
