CAPTION in FIG element

lilley ([email protected])
Thu, 16 Mar 1995 13:24:36 +0500

Is it just me being dumb, or what?

I understood that the FIG element could contain overlays, a caption, some
body text, and(recently added) a credit.

Like this:

<FIG SRC="url"><CAPTION>Figure 1: something</CAPTION>
<P>Hello, you can't see my pretty picture</P>

Looking at the DTD (Draft: Mon 13-Mar-95 09:51:25) I see:

<!ELEMENT FIG - - (OVERLAY*, CAPTION?, %body.content;, CREDIT?) -(FIG|IMG)>

which (and I could well be wrong) I take to mean FIG is a container and
can contain (0 or more) OVERLAY, (an optional) CAPTION, a required
body.content (ie marked up text, roughly?) and (an optional) CREDIT.

Is that right?

Looking at <> this is also
the impression I get.

However, attempting to check some HTML 3 gives a different story:

sgmls: SGML error at figures.html3, line 10 at ">":
FIG end-tag implied by CAPTION start-tag; not minimizable
sgmls: SGML error at figures.html3, line 10 at ">":
Out-of-context CAPTION start-tag ended HTML document element (and parse)

Huh? I don't understand this and I don't understand how SGMLS gets this from
the DTD. If some kind soul could explain it to me, I would be grateful.

Looking for an example to copy, I took the one on Dave's page cited above
and wrapped it up with suitable doctype and so on, like this:


<FIG HREF="nicodamus.jpeg">
<CAPTION>Ground dweller: <I>Nicodamus bicolor</I>
builds silk snares</CAPTION>
<P>A small hairy spider light fleshy red in color with a brown abdomen.


This gives the following errors when checked against the
(Draft: Wed 01-Mar-95 09:08:15) version of the DTD (old, I know. I shall
come back to that)

cguhpc [86]: html-check dsr-fig-example.html3
dsr-fig-example.html3 ...
sgmls: SGML error at dsr-fig-example.html3, line 5 at """:
HREF = "nicodamus.jpeg" attribute ignored: not defined for this element
sgmls: SGML error at dsr-fig-example.html3, line 5 at """:
Required SRC attribute was not specified; may affect processing
sgmls: SGML error at dsr-fig-example.html3, line 6 at ">":
FIG end-tag implied by CAPTION start-tag; not minimizable
sgmls: SGML error at dsr-fig-example.html3, line 6 at ">":
Out-of-context CAPTION start-tag ended HTML document element (and parse)
cguhpc [87]:

Right, Dave's example had HREF not SRC, ok slip of the keyboard I expect. But
again it appears to be saying that you can't have a CAPTION inside a FIG.


Ah yes, the Draft: Mon 13-Mar-95 09:51:25 DTD gives some extra errors.
Clues, people?

cguhpc [87]: html-check dsr-fig-example.html3
dsr-fig-example.html3 ...
sgmls: SGML error at /afs/
tml-3.dtd, line 561 in declaration parameter 4:
"TEXT" keyword invalid; declaration terminated
sgmls: SGML error at /afs/
tml-3.dtd, line 561 at "%":
Invalid character(s) ignored; attempting to resume DOCTYPE subset
sgmls: SGML error at /afs/
tml-3.dtd, line 563 at "<":
Invalid character(s) ignored; attempting to resume DOCTYPE subset
plus the errors given above

For those not familiar with html-check, it is a Mark Gaither/Dan Connolly
production which goes:

cguhpc [88]: more `which html-check`

for i in $*; do
echo $i ... 1>&2 # show file name on STDERR
sgmls -s -m $H/catalog $H/html.decl $i && echo '... valid' 1>&2

Chris Lilley
| Technical Author, Manchester and North HPC Training & Education Centre  |
| Computer Graphics Unit,        |     Email: [email protected]      |
| Manchester Computing Centre,   |     Voice: +44 61 275 6045             |
| Oxford Road,                   |       Fax: +44 61 275 6040             |
| Manchester, UK.  M13 9PL       |      X400: /I=c /S=lilley              |
|                 /O=manchester-computing-centre /PRMD=UK.AC /ADMD= /C=GB/|
|<A HREF="">my page</A> | 
|This is supposed to be data transfer, not artificial intelligence. M VanH|